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Meet the Team behind Matfen Hall: Max Cunningham

  • By phil-projector
  • August 26, 2022
  • Announcement

Max Cunningham has a decade’s worth of experience working in the hospitality industry, making her the perfect person to manage Food & Beverages here at Matfen Hall. In this edition of Tales from Our Estate, Max discusses how her passion for our magnificent country estate helps her provide memorable experiences for every guest.

How long have you worked in hospitality and how did you first become involved in the industry?

School was never for me. I am much more of a hands-on type of person that loves to get stuck into the task at hand, so I was drawn to the long hours required to work in hospitality. They have allowed me to stay fit, and well-rounded and have provided me with life skills I would not have gained in any other industry.

What does a typical day working at Matfen Hall look like for you?

If I’m lucky enough, we have a wedding on. I then get to work alongside the couples to provide a smooth running of their perfectly planned day.

What do you love most about your job?

I enjoy interacting with all guests, but especially the brides, grooms and all of their families. It’s very special getting to know them and when they return. These have been my personal favourite visits, as I’m able to reminisce with them about their special day.

It’s clear that you enjoy working at Matfen Hall. What is one special memory you have of your time here?

All of my weddings. I couldn’t possibly pick just one. I have a special memory from each and every couple I have had the pleasure of being Master of Ceremonies for. But, you’re right. Matfen Hall is in my blood.

If you could swap job roles with anyone else at Matfen Hall, who would it be and why?

Rebecca, our Spa Therapist. It’d feel so good to help our guests relax and unwind in The Retreat.

How do you relax outside of work?

I love spending time with Callie, my Brindle Staffordshire Terrier. She is an 11-year-old rescue dog who has visited Matfen Hall many times and she is my soul mate. Our favourite place to walk is by the river in Acomb and she is often accompanied by her two furry cousins.

Explore Matfen Hall’s latest seasonal menus and premier dining venues here.

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