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Arrive In Style

Use our helipad and you’ll begin to unwind before arriving at our country estate.

Estimated flight times to Matfen Hall
From London: 1 hour and 30 minutes
From The Cotswolds: 1 hour and 30 minutes
From Edinburgh: 35 minutes
From Harrogate: 35 minutes

Please land your helicopter outside The Orangery using coordinates:
NZ030 716 or 403095, 571605

After being spoilt with captivating views of Northumberland en route, our team will welcome you as you land amongst our beautiful grounds. Whether you are enjoying an overnight escape, an evening of five-star dining or a harmonious spa experience, private use of our helipad allows you to arrive in style.

If you would like to reserve a slot, please contact us on (+44)1661 886 500 to schedule and landing and receive directions.

Please note: Our helipad is only available for daylight landing only. Use of our helipad for non-residents is £150+VAT for landing and taking off.

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